Slot: hasEvidenceLine
A discrete, independent argument relevant to the validity of the Proposition put forth as true in the Statement, that is based on the interpretation of one or more pieces of information as evidence.
URI: vaspec:Statement_hasEvidenceLine
Domain and Range
Statement → 0..* EvidenceLine
- is_a: hasEvidenceLine
Used by
Other properties
Comments: | Evidence Lines result from the interpretation of one or more pieces of information to build an argument for or against a particular Proposition. These arguments have direction (supporting / disputing) and strength (e.g. strong, moderate, weak) relative to the Proposition they are evaluated against. For example, ExaC allele counts and frequency calculations for the BRCA2 c.8023A>G variant in different populations may be collectively assessed to provide an argument of moderate strength in support of a Proposition that the variant is pathogenicity for breast cancer. |