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Class: Statement

An information entity expressing a declarative sentence that is either true or false.

URI: vaspec:Statement



  • is_a: InformationEntity - An abstract (non-physical) entity that is about something.

Referenced by Class



  • Statement➞statementType 0..*
    • Description: A specific type of statement the Statement object represents (e.g. a 'Variant Pathogenicity Statement', or 'Molecular Consequence Statement')
    • Range: Coding
  • Statement➞subject 1..1
    • Description: The Entity about which the Statement is made.
    • Range: Entity
  • Statement➞predicate 1..1
    • Description: The relationship asserted to hold between the subject and the object of the Statement.
    • Range: Coding
  • Statement➞object 1..1
    • Description: An Entity, concept, or value that is related to the subject of a Statement via its predicate.
    • Range: Element
  • Statement➞qualifier 0..*
    • Description: A value or concept that extends or refines the meaning of the claim expressed in the core subject - predicate - object 'triple' - e.g. by providing additional information/detail, or constraining the claim to apply in a particular context.
    • Range: Element
  • Statement➞negated 0..1
    • Description: A boolean flag set to 'true' if the statement expressed by the subject, predicate, object, and qualifier(s) is explicitly asserted to be false.
    • Range: Boolean
  • Statement➞assertedProposition 0..1
    • Description: The possible fact (proposition) that the Statement puts forth as true.
    • Range: Proposition
  • Statement➞evidenceLevel 0..1
    • Description: A term indicating the overall strength of support for the Statement based on all evidence assessed.
    • Range: Coding
  • Statement➞evidenceScore 0..1
    • Description: A quantitative score reflecting the overall strength of support for the Statement based on all evidence assessed.
    • Range: DataItem
  • Statement➞hasEvidenceLine 0..*
    • Description: A discrete, independent argument relevant to the validity of the Proposition put forth as true in the Statement, that is based on the interpretation of one or more pieces of information as evidence.
    • Range: EvidenceLine
  • Statement➞hasEvidence 0..*
    • Description: A piece of information that represents or contributes to an argument for or against the validity of a Statement.
    • Range: InformationEntity
  • Statement➞hasEvidenceOfType 0..*
    • Description: A term describing a type of evidence used to support a Statement (e.g. 'sequence similarity evidence', 'in vitro assay evidence') - as opposed to an instance of evidence information such as a particular data item, study result, or prior assertions, etc.
    • Range: Coding
  • Statement➞hasEvidenceFromSource 0..*
    • Description: An Information Entity (typically a publication, dataset, or database) that reports information interpreted as evidence to make the Statement.
    • Range: InformationEntity
  • Statement➞subjectDescriptor 0..1
    • Description: A collection of additional metadata about the subject of the Statement's proposition, that cannot represented in its value object based representation, but may be useful for understanding and use of the subject entity (e.g. labels, xrefs, aliases, and other subjective/context specific information)
    • Range: Descriptor
  • Statement➞objectDescriptor 0..1
    • Description: A collection of additional metadata about the object of the Statement's proposition, that cannot represented in its value object based representation, but may be useful for understanding and use of the subject entity (e.g. labels, xrefs, aliases, and other subjective/context specific information)
    • Range: Descriptor
  • Statement➞qualifierDescriptor 0..*
    • Description: A collection of additional metadata about an entity/concept that qualifies the Statement's proposition. This additional metadata cannot represented in its value object based representation, but may be useful for understanding and use of the subject entity (e.g. labels, xrefs, aliases, and other subjective/context specific information)
    • Range: Descriptor

Inherited from InformationEntity:

  • Element➞extensionElement 0..*
    • Description: A key-value data structure that allows definition of custom fields to capture information not directly supported by the VA specification.
    • Range: Extension
  • Entity➞localId 1..1
    • Description: The logical identifier of the entity in the system of record, e.g. a UUID. This 'id' is unique within a given system. The identified entity may have a different 'id' in a different system.
    • Range: Identifier
  • Entity➞globalIdentifier 0..*
    • Description: A business identifier or accession number for the entity, typically as provided by an external system or authority, that is globally unique and persists across implementing systems.
    • Range: Identifier
  • Entity➞type 1..1
    • Description: The schema class that is instantiated by the data object. Must be the name of a class from the VA schema.
    • Range: Class
  • Entity➞label 0..1
    • Description: A primary name for the Entity.
    • Range: String
  • Entity➞alternativeLabel 0..*
    • Description: An alternative name for the Entity.
    • Range: String
  • Entity➞description 0..1
    • Description: A free text description of the Entity.
    • Range: String
  • Entity➞hasURL 0..*
    • Description: The URL/web address of a digital resource representing the entity, or providing information about it.
    • Range: Url
  • Entity➞reference 0..*
    • Description: A document or other Information Entity that describes the Entity.
    • Range: InformationEntity
  • Entity➞xref 0..*
    • Description: A cross-reference to database identifier(s) representing the same or a closely related entity or concept as the Entity.
    • Range: String
  • Entity➞thisRecordMeta 0..1
    • Description: A reusable structure that encapsulates provenance metadata about the present record/data object (as opposed to provenance information about the real world entity this record/data object represents).
    • Range: RecordMetadata
  • Entity➞sourceRecordMeta 0..*
    • Description: A reusable structure that encapsulates provenance metadata that applies to an upstream record/data objdct about the Entity, from which content of the present record was derived.
    • Range: RecordMetadata
  • InformationEntity➞isAbout 0..*
    • Description: An entity or concept in the world that the information entity describes/is about.
    • Range: Entity
  • InformationEntity➞qualifiedContribution 0..*
    • Description: A specific contribution made by some Agent to the creation, modification, or validation of the information represented in the Information Entity.
    • Range: Contribution
  • InformationEntity➞dateAuthored 0..1
    • Description: The date the information content expressed in this entity was generated.
    • Range: Ga4ghDateTime
  • InformationEntity➞wasSpecifiedBy 0..*
    • Description: A plan specification that describes all or part of the process through which the information was generated.
    • Range: Method
  • InformationEntity➞derivedFrom 0..*
    • Description: An information resource from which the Information Entity is derived, in whole or in part
    • Range: InformationEntity
  • InformationEntity➞wasOutputOf 0..*
    • Description: An activity that generated the Entity.
    • Range: Activity
  • InformationEntity➞hasPart 0..*
    • Description: Any part of the Information Entity (e.g. individual value or record from a larger data set, a section of a larger document)
    • Range: InformationEntity
  • InformationEntity➞partOf 0..*
    • Description: A larger Information Entity of which the present Information Entity is a part.
    • Range: InformationEntity
  • InformationEntity➞isReportedIn 0..*
    • Description: A document in which the information content carried by the Information Entity is expressed
    • Range: Document
  • InformationEntity➞confidenceLevel 0..1
    • Description: A qualitative term describing the degree of confidence held by the creator of the information entity, that the information it represents is true (e.g. 'high confidence', 'likely true', 'low confidence').
    • Range: Coding
  • InformationEntity➞confidenceScore 0..1
    • Description: A quantitative score reflecting the degree of confidence held by the creator of the information entity, that the information it represents is true.
    • Range: DataItem
  • InformationEntity➞version 0..1
    • Description: The version of the Information Entity (to be used in cases where version is not reflected in the id or identifiers associated with the entity).
    • Range: String
  • InformationEntity➞license 0..1
    • Description: The type of license that dictates legal permissions for how a resource (e.g. dataset, document, protocol) can be used - typically referenced by its URL.
    • Range: String

Other properties

Aliases: Assertion; Claim
Comments: In the VA model, each assertion of knowledge about a variant is captured in a self-contained Statement object. The semantics of what is asserted to be true is explicitly structured in terms of a subject, predicate, object, and qualifier(s). Organization of variant knowledge into discrete Statement objects allows clear and precise tracking of the evidence and provenance that supports each.
Exact Mappings: SEPIO:0000174