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Class: DataSet

A collection of related data items or records that are organized together in a common format or structure, to enable their computational manipulation as a unit.

URI: vaspec:DataSet



  • is_a: InformationEntity - An abstract (non-physical) entity that is about something.

Referenced by Class



  • DataSet➞dataSetType 0..*
    • Description: A specific type of data set the DataSet object represents.
    • Range: Coding
  • DataSet➞dataSetLevel 0..1
    • Description: The level at which the Data Set is considered and described ('Summary' level, 'Version' level, or 'Distribution' level - see
    • Range: Coding
  • DataSet➞releaseDate 0..1
    • Description: The date when a version-level Data Set was released.
    • Range: Ga4ghDateTime
  • license 0..1
  • version 0..1
  • DataSet➞previousVersion 0..1
    • Description: A version-level Data Set representing the version described here.
    • Range: DataSet
  • DataSet➞currentVersion 0..1
    • Description: A version-level Data Set representing the most current version at the time of recording.
    • Range: DataSet
  • DataSet➞format 0..1
    • Description: A specific representational format used to encode a distribution-level Dataset.
    • Range: String
  • DataSet➞conformsTo 0..*
    • Description: A community standard that is used in representing any of the data in the Data Set (e.g. an ontology or code system from which enumerated values are drawn, a standard data model used to structure the representation).
    • Range: String
  • DataSet➞license 0..1
    • Description: The type of license that dictates legal permissions for how the Data Set can be used - typically referenced by its URL.
    • Range: String
  • DataSet➞version 0..1
    • Description: The version of the Data Set (use this field used in cases where version is not reflected in an identifier associated with the Data Set)
    • Range: String

Inherited from InformationEntity:

Other properties

Comments: Examples include the Broad ExAC dataset on allele population frequency, or a SIFT dataset of computational predictions functional impact for a set of variants, or the contents of a VCF file that describes variations observed in a particular patient and various annotations made on them.
Exact Mappings: IAO:0000100